Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Monday, 24 November 2008

Light and Colour

Visit the FIGURING LIGHT, Colour and The Intangible Exhibition at Djanogly Art Gallery, Lakeside. Choose a piece of work and write 200 words about the artist use of colour and light.

Rebecca Partridge
oil on canvas, 155x185cm, 2008

Today I went to the Colour and The Intangible Exhibition at Djanogly Art Gallery. I didn’t manage to take any photographs of my own because they wouldn’t let me, but I managed to find a picture of my favourite piece on the internet to put in my blog.
What first attracted my attention to this piece was the use bright colour, it draws you towards the painting. There is good use of complimentary colours and geometric shapes next to each other to create a white space in the centre.
The colours and shapes used in this piece also create a lot of energy. It seems almost as if it is exploding towards the viewer. The way the artist uses different tints of the colours used in the background gives the piece depth, which emphasises the explosion effect.

Take two photographs based on a theme of your choice. Using Photoshop change and replace the colours to express complementary pairs of colours. Explain your choice of colours.

In both of these photographs i have edited the colours in the sky in order to enhance it. I have changed the colours in the clouds to oranges in order to make them stand out more against the blue sky. This is because orange and blue are a pair or complementary colours, which means they make each other stand out when place next, or near, to each other.

Friday, 14 November 2008

One Shot Film Inspiration

This is the opening scene from Guy Ritchie's film, 'Snatch'. The use of several monitors can make a one shot film a lot more interesting and complex. It is an idea I am considering using myself.

Monday, 10 November 2008



Due to illness I was unable to attend the group sessions for the pixilation project. However I have produced a short animation of my own. It is only a rough version, which i plan to edit at a later stage.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

The Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a technique used mainly in photography. The canvas is divided into 9 equal parts, using 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines. Areas of interest are positioned both along the lines and at crossover points.

Very effective pieces of work can be created when this rule is used properly.

Monday, 3 November 2008

MacBook Pro

Why is it that we want our belongings to do more for us than to function well?
Why are we willing, as soon as we can afford it, to pay extra for things with appealing forms?

The most recent piece of equipment i have bought is my MacBook Pro. I chose to buy it over any other model firstly because of it’s great performance. However, Apple products have a certain appeal to them due to their sleek and stylish look. They are seen as the best in their field, particularly in the world of computers.


As long as we can afford them, most people are happy to spend extra cash just to have a nicer or more professional looking product. This is usually due to the fact that it makes us feel better about the product we are using, as well as how people look at us.
Apple seem to have got it just right. they have established an image that creates efficient products that are more aesthetically pleasing than the competitors.