Thursday, 29 January 2009

Identities - Logo Development

Here are some scanned images of logo designs that i have sketched out. Number 2 is the one that i feel is the strongest. It resembles a signature and is instantly recognisable.

Friday, 23 January 2009

Identities - Logo

Just some initial ideas for my logo for the identities module. I have gone for the obvious first thought of something that resembles my face.

However i plan to develop my ideas alot more...

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Identities - Research Passport Photos

i have decided that i would quite like to use passport photos in my project. this is because they are literally used to show your identity.
i am not quite sure where abouts in my project to use them yet, i think maybe in my logo or for my homescreen of my box.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Final Second Life

Let's be honest, Second Life has started to bore me. Even though there is normally something new to find and explore, you are still limited to how much you can actually get involved in these activities.
However, you can make your own fun when talking to other people online. I personally had a lot of enjoyment winding people up and getting on people's nerves. Maybe this says something about me in real life? Who knows?
I will definitely think about revisiting Second Life in a year or so to see how and if it has evolved...

Friday, 9 January 2009

Morning Parade and New Year

I have decided to post some photography that i have done over the holiday of a friend's band as well as at new year...

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Even More Second Life

Throughout my time playing Second Life I have realised that the majority of people on the game are simply after money. For example, when talking to a new person, you do not have to wait long before the M word comes up in conversation.
In a way this is quite similar to real life, even if it is exaggerated a bit, as money is very much a part or our world.
Despite this I have managed to con a few people into giving me things such as cars and clothes, which was nice.