Wednesday, 31 December 2008

More Second Life

I am still having problems with the program running slow on my PC at home, but I think I will have a better chance of using it when I am back in Nottingham.

I have managed to explore Second Life and I have started to speak to other online users a lot more. I have also changed the appearance of my character which I had quite a lot of fun doing.

A nice person took me on a ride in their car, which was nice. And i even called shotgun....

They were also nice enough to take me driving through the ocean, (which i thought was pretty cool) where they talked about obama alot...No idea why...

Happy new year...

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Second Life

Create an avatar in an online 3D environments, such as Second Life, or Virtual Doppelganger and spend some time exploring the virtual environments and think about the role of identity in these virtual worlds, try and talk with the virtual residents. Keep diary of at least four weeks of your Avatar’s experiences and post it to your journal, also take screen shoot of your experiences.

I have decided to go with Second Life for this project. However, I have only had time to spend a couple of hours on it so far. My first impression is that it seems a bit slow, but that could just be my computer....
Here are some screen shots of what I have been getting up to...

Thursday, 4 December 2008

One Shot Film - CCTV

This is the final version of my One Shot Film, it shows a CCTV camera following a suspicious member of the public.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Midnight Feast

This is an initial idea for our One Shot Film about sleepwalking. However I think I still like the idea of using several cameras...